Pregnancy and Your Dental Visits

Pregnancy and your Dental Visits

Most women that become pregnant are instantly protective of their bodies in order to protect the growing baby. We have all heard the classics, avoid alcohol, smoking and drugs. Nowadays the list is even longer of what to avoid in order to keep baby safe.

What not all women realize is that you should continue on with your regular dental appointments. In the case where you have not been to dentist in a long time then you should make that appointment. General dental hygiene visits and any necessary dental treatments are considered safe during pregnancy. (Motherrisk)

Here’s why:

Low birth weight babies have been linked to poor oral health and periodontal disease
Gums can bleed more during pregnancy due to the women’s hormones reacting more aggressively to plaque and tartar on the teeth.
You want to avoid any infections in the mouth when pregnant
Your mouth is connected to the rest of your body!!! Why would you take great care of your body but not your mouth during pregnancy?
(CDHO) (Motherrisk)

What you should do:Always tell your dental hygienist or dentist if you are pregnant. Even if you are not passed the 3 month marker and have not told anyone it is always important to advise your health professionals. This is confidential information and will not be shared. Treatment planning will different if you are pregnant.
Take very good care of your oral health at home
Ask any questions about pregnancy and oral health or even about caring for your new babies oral health we are happy to answer them

What you shouldn’t do:
Although deemed safe by Motherrisk from SickKids Hospital we avoid taking radiographs on pregnant patients unless the patient is in a lot of pain.
We do want want to use Nitrous Oxide on you while pregnant.
Don’t brush aside your oral health when pregnant. Brush your teeth instead!


CDHO. From Head to Toe. <> (Accessed, Jan 15th, 2019)

Motherrisk. Wrzosek, T., Einarson, A. Dental Care During Pregnancy. June, 2009. <> (Accessed, JAn 15th, 2019).