A Dental Christmas Story
I will tell you a little story… The Christmas before I was supposed to get married I gifted my fiance an electric toothbrush. Everyone told me it was the worst Christmas present ever. I was a little embarrassed. After receiving a diamond engagement ring I gave my fiance an electric toothbrush. It turns out to this day it is one of his most used Christmas presents I have ever given him. And he tells me he loves it and it has been life changing in his oral care routine. Moral of the story… Electric toothbrushes make for great Christmas presents. Don’t just get them for your fiance. Get them for your whole family!
We carry Oral-B and Sonicare electric toothbrushes and sell them at cost with no markup to our patients. Ask us about them and we can review the options with you. We also have an amazing offer on an dental health bag that included an 1 Oral-B electric toothbrush, 1 Crest mouth rinse, 2 tubes of Crest Gum-detox toothpaste, 5 containers of Glide floss’ and for a limited time only- 2 brush replacement heads for $99.00. It is a offer too good to pass up. Think of how thrilled your fiance will be 😉