Cavities 101


Cavities 101

Cavities are one of the largest concerns to our patients. Here are some simple facts to inform you. 

  1. Cavities are actually a transmissible disease! The transfer of bacteria that causes cavities can happen easily through swapping saliva. Sharing foods and utensils, sharing babies soothers, and kissing are all ways saliva can be transferred. Mother to Child, Sibling to Sibling and Partners can all transmit this bacteria to each other. 
  2. Cavities are caused by acids produced by bacteria in plaque. Click on this link to read more. (
  3. Cavities start out small (the acid makes small little holes in the teeth).
  4. If left untreated cavities grow larger and cause more damage to the tooth structure resulting in further dental treatment.
  5. The most common way to detect cavities:  the dentist can check visually, with their instruments and they can read dental radiographs (x-rays). If caught early enough most cavities can be repaired through a dental filling.
  6. Cavities can be found on the biting surface of the tooth, on all four sides of the tooth, at the gum line and on the root surfaces. Cavities can form on baby teeth and adult teeth. 

If you have any questions or would like more information, book in for your check up exam or hygiene visit and we would be happy to answer any questions.


Text: Darby, Michelle and Walsh, Margaret. Dental Hygiene Theory and Practice 3rd edition. St. Louis, MO. Saunders Elsevier, 2010.
